About Us

Some Camp Beagle Achievements
  • Over 3 years of 24/7 protest and observation
  • First ever covert footage exposing desolate conditions
  • Two successful petitions leading to recorded parliamentary debates
  • 41k online followers and coordinated national outreach
  • Approaching £4m of legal costs for breeder Marshall Bioresources in one of the UK’s biggest high court injunction litigations

Additionally, the liberation of 23 beagles by direct actionists, and the exposure of the ‘hidden’ and unbranded puppy courier firm, Impex, by other campaign groups cannot go unmentioned.


Camp Beagle defines itself as a strictly lawful campaigning group. Our primary objectives are to shut down MBR Acres Ltd, free the beagles and to ban animal testing in the UK.

Our Work

Our work is focused on industry exposure, promoting non animal methods and political pressure.

On daily basis, we protest, observe, record, research, share, publicise and question.

Please join our fight to abolish animal experimentation into the history books and move the world forward with the real science of non-animal methods.

Camp Beagle is heading into its third harsh winter on the roadside with its third successful government petition and parliamentary debate. We are also consolidating international collaboration with other long standing campaign groups targeting Marshall Bio Resources’ breeding operations in France and the US.