Ridglan Farms – The USA Equivalent of MBR Acres

Ridglan Farms is the USA Equivalent of MBR Acres.

In September 2024 DATCP, (Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection) visited the facility and during the inspection took photographic evidence which will be shown during the forthcoming County Court case against Ridglan Farms.

The photos capture the reality of the horrific conditions in which the beagles live their miserable lives in.

We make no apologies for the horrific images – obviously people of a nervous disposition should NOT view these images.

These dogs deserve their freedom, and Ridglan Farms deserves prosecution for animal cruelty.

The image which Ridglan Farms wish the world to see….

According to the Riglan Farms Website

“Ridglan Farms, Inc. is a USDA Class A dog breeder as well as a USDA licensed Class R research facility. We have a full-time veterinarian on staff who supervises all research studies at our facility.”

“We have an extensive historical database for reproductive performance, pedigrees, hematology/blood chemistry, and genetic anomalies which can be utilized for your research purposes.”

The reality of Ridglan Farms

The case has been brought to court by Dane 4 Dogs, Alliance for Animals and Californian based Animal Rights activist Wayne Hsiung. and will be heard 23rd October 2024 at 9am at Dane County Courthouse. It will be recommended to the Judge in no uncertain terms that they need to appoint a Special Prosecutor to prosecute Ridglan Farms for animal cruelty. 

We will of course keep you up to date on the case on our socials and this website.

Visit the Dane4Dogs website by Clicking Here

The Camp Beagle Team

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