Outrageous Employee Conduct – Marshall Bio-Resources

Outrageous Employee Conduct and Marshall Bio-Resources’ – Atrocities — a letter from the family of an MBR survivor.

Back in August 2024 Robert Sturman visited Camp Beagle Outraged by both MBR Acres and their staff Robert has put pen to paper in a letter addressed to the Marshall Bio-Resources Management.

Marshall Bio-Resources Management,

I am writing to express my disgust not only with your company’s vile practices but with the disgraceful behavior exhibited by one of your employees.

During my recent visit to the protest camp in England— where brave individuals have been protesting your company’s horrific abuse of animals for over three years— I witnessed a blatant act of hostility from one of your workers. This individual, a woman leaving the facility, flipped off peaceful protesters as if mocking their compassion for the thousands of animals suffering because of your operation.

Let me be clear: I adopted one of your dogs, Otis, who was born at your North Rose, New York, facility. He was sold to a laboratory for brutal testing, but he narrowly escaped being euthanized like so many others. Otis represents the lives you view as disposable, but to me, and to the world, he is a survivor of your cruelty.

This level of disrespect and cruelty from your staff only underscores the inhumane culture embedded in your company. I shouldn’t be surprised—after all, this is the same facility where dogs like Otis, born only to be tortured in labs and discarded like trash, come from.

But to see such open hostility directed toward those simply asking for decency—well, that was truly vile. I can only imagine the kind of person you hire to work at such a monstrous place, but this behavior is beyond unacceptable.

You should be ashamed, not only for breeding thousands of innocent animals to be subjected to horrific testing and eventual euthanasia, but for employing individuals who reflect such a lack of human decency. Your company profits off suffering, and this employee’s disgusting display only confirms the moral bankruptcy of your operation. Her actions need to be addressed, and I demand that she be fired immediately. Her behavior should not only be a stain on your company’s already tarnished reputation, but her family should know what kind of person they’ve raised.

I won’t stop fighting for justice for animals like Otis and for those who continue to endure unimaginable suffering at your hands. The world is waking up to the truth about Marshall Bio-Resources, and I will ensure that this incident further exposes the reality of what goes on behind your doors.

I expect you to handle this situation.


Robert Sturman

As MBR work under secrecy it remains to be seen if Robert will receive a reply.

We will of course keep you updated.

Robert Sturman can be found at Website – YouTube – Instagram – Facebook

The Camp Beagle Team