Larissa The Beagle Puppy – 11 Week Pupdate

Larissa is now 11 weeks old and having the time of her life.

She is experiencing everything that a beagle of her age should be experiencing – love – attention and stimulation.

Today, at 11 weeks old, she was taken to a beautiful beach with her brother and sister for their annual holiday.

Larissa experienced something new to her, something that a MBR Acres beagle can only dream of.

The sand beneath her tiny paws, the sun on her back, the wind blowing through those velvety ears and the pure joy of wading in water for the first time.

Larissa is a very lucky beagle puppy – at 11 weeks old it is clear that she has landed on her tiny puppy feet and ‘living the beagle dream’.

Remember Larissa has a lifetime of love, joy and attention ahead of her – her counterparts at MBR Acres will have 5 weeks ‘living the nightmare’ which is MBR Acres followed by the ‘living hell’ of a lab.

Compare the perfect life of Larissa to that of a beagle who’s only crime in their short life was to be born at MBR Acres.

Larissa is 11 weeks old and the next 5 weeks will be near perfection – for a MBR Acres Beagle time is running out and running out fast, 16 weeks being the optimum price that MBR Acres can charge their customers such as Labcorp, Charles River and Sequani.

Just let that sink in for a moment.

A further pupdate will be posted when Larissa reaches 12 weeks.

 The Camp Beagle Team