Email Your MP

The parliamentary debate for our third successful e-petition is due to be scheduled any day now. It is vital that you use the simple form below to email your MP urging them to attend the debate. MPs are duty-bound to respond to their local constituents.

Your Details

Your MP’s Details

This will take you to the Parliament website, click search and click on your MP’s name to view their profile. Copy their email address and paste it below.

Important: Your full name, house name/number, and postcode will be included at the end of the email, as this is required when contacting your MP.

The ‘compose email’ button works by opening the default email app on your phone or laptop, and compiling a new message which is ready to send. If it doesn’t work, try the altnerative option below.

Don’t forget to click Send!

Alternative Option

If the “Compose Email to My MP” button does not work, you can copy the message to your clipboard using the button below and paste it into your email manually.

The MP Briefing Document contains key information to support this email. The email message already contains a link to it for your MP, but you can also view it yourself here: